I was right to be optimistic in my last post. I ended up getting a 96 in my calc exam. Best result EVER in a maths class. Doubt I will repeat this exploit however.
One last exam before my birthday (well, it is *on* my birthday), and the holidays. I should be excited but somehow, I feel extremely apathetic. I'm worried that my lack of interest in anything (even food, if I'm being honest here) might not be related with school, because frankly, I'm not excited about Christmas. At all. And it's my favourite holiday.
Neither do I seem to care about my birthday (although I've always been fussy about birthdays. I hate getting older, and besides, I haven't properly celebrated in a few years because it's always smack dab in the middle of Finals... do your kids a favour, don't have them Mid-December, it sucks.).
Eh. The only thing I look forward to is leaving for another country next year. And my trip to the Sunshine state next summer.
Guess I'm just not myself anymore. Looking at pictures from a few months ago, I'm a completely different person now. As in, my face doesn't even look the same anymore.
I'm not unhappy though. Neither am I depressed. I'm just. I don't know. I feel like I couldn't care less about anything. Even shopping doesn't get me excited (although that, my wallet is thankful for). Yawn. And the insomnia is back. Not sure why though.
So much for a happy post. Let's end on a positive note though. I did something rash and cunning earlier today. It involves a pretty boy that I have never *officially* met, but who is friends with a friend of mine. And he's most definitely not Canadian.... :)